Reusable Hot Water Bottle Body Massage
Brand New
2 months ago | 4 views
Shipping Cost : 2,000.00
Lagos, Nigeria

This bottle improves blood flow which eases the menstrual pain for a lighter and relaxed feel. The classic design of bottle helps to  relieve and eliminate stress or cramps, arthritis, aches and pains, stiff necks, lower back pain, menstrual cramps and other common aches and can also double up as a cold compress for kids with fever or to reduce swelling for minor injuries. This old-fashioned hot and cold water bottle can be molded to any part of your body to get the heat exactly where it needs. This Advanced thermoplastic holds heat for a longer time to keep water hot and cold. Hot water bottle can be used alone as a remedy for aches, pains, and sports injuries. It can be very effective for cold, hemorrhage control for accident victims, chest pain. This hot water bottle is a MUST get for everyone and can be used by everyone.

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Reusable Hot Water Bottle Body Massage
Brand New
2 months ago | 4 views
Shipping Cost : 2,000.00
Lagos, Nigeria
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