Pentel Energise Pen 0.5 mm - Blue
Brand New
1 year ago | 3 views
Lagos, Nigeria

Buy Pentel Energise Pen 0.5 mm - Blue on Whether you're a small business owner or an Admin Manager of a large company, you'll need office stationery and office supplies. From pens and paper to correction fluid, trash cans, and more, theres a lot to remember when it comes to ordering office supplies. And sometimes you dont even know you need office stationery until its too late. Having the best office supplies is especially relevant now if you're working from home as a result of the COVID 19 corona virus. Keeping a list of the stationery you need can be difficult, and that's why we recommend saving your regular items in your favourites list on the site so that it can serve as a helpful tool when it comes time to reorder your office supplies. Binders and accessories for keeping your paperwork neat and safe; also important for storage and archiving. White boards and easels for sharing important information during meetings and presentations. Envelopes and labels. Filing supplies: manila file folders; hanging files; expandable files; sorters. Stamps and pads. Printing paper

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Pentel Energise Pen 0.5 mm - Blue
Brand New
1 year ago | 3 views
Lagos, Nigeria
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